

A toothaches  or tooth pain is caused when the nerve in the root of a tooth or surrounding of a tooth is irritated .pain may also occur after an extraction (tooth is pulled out).pain sometimes originates from other areas and radiates to the jaw, thus appearing to be tooth pain.

Bacteria growing inside your mouth can contribute to gum disease and dental decay  ,both of which can cause pain.often the dentist may apply sealants and fluoride, which are  especially important for childerns teeth.Gum disease will not result in any pain.

Teethache symptoms                                                                                                                         Toothaches and jaw pain are common complaint .There may  be severe pain to pressure or to hot or cold stimuli .The pain may persist for longer than 15 seconds after the stimulus is removed. As the area of inflammation increases, the pain becomes more severe. It may radiate to the  cheek , the ear , or the jaw .Other signs and symptoms that may lead you to seek care include the following:

Ø  Pain with chewing

Ø  Hot or cold sensitive

Ø  Bleeding or discharge from around a tooth or gum

Ø  Swelling around a tooth or sewlling of your jaw

Ø  Injury or trauma to the area



Tooth can be caused by:

Ø tooth decay

Ø Abscessed tooth( a bacterial infection inside the center of he tooth)

Ø Tooth fracture(broken tooth)

Ø A damaged filling

Ø Repetitive motions, such as chewing gum pr grinding or clenching teeth.these motions can wear down your teeth.

Ø Infected gums

 Ø Eruption (teeth coming out of the gums)or removal of a tooth( for example, wisdom teeth).

treatment for a toothache depends on the cause, if a cavity is causing the toothache ,your dentist will fill  the cavity or possibly extract the tooth, if necessary. a root canal might be needed if the cause of toothache is determined to be  an infection of the tooth nerve.bacteria that have worked their way in to inner aspects of the tooth cause such as infection.

 Recommended medicine for teeth pain(toothaches):                                                                                     




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